This is not what I had initially planned on writing about today, but with the craziness of the past week, and the upcoming whirlwind, I thought it appropriate. I’m not good at acting like one thing when I’m feeling something else, and I think people can tell when I’m not being totally real anyway. I’m just worn out, so I thought I’d just share my thoughts with you. I guess what I’ll do is share what I do to try to cope, and hopefully you will find encouragement in that. And maybe you will even have ideas to share with me, which would be awesome!
First of all, when I’m exhausted I obviously need sleep. It’s kind of a no-brainer, but for some reason in the last few years it seemed like it started being cool to get as little sleep as possible. I’m totally not on that boat lol. Small things always turn into a bigger deal when I’m not sleeping enough, and I’m just cranky and miserable! I try to be careful about being on my phone especially before bed (like how many times do we just start scrolling through our phones for 15 minutes or even longer). I’ll also try to just squeeze in a little cat nap during the day if I can…
Secondly, I try not to skip my quiet time. That can be the first thing to go when life get busy and overwhelming. Quiet time can, at least for me, be meditational and rejuvenating just communing with the Lord in morning. Psalm 61:2 says, “…I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (NIV)
Thirdly, I listen to my body. I LOVE my workouts and I HATE missing, but if I really need to skip then I will. Sometimes, though, going to the gym can give community and help lift my spirits, in a way that makes it worth it to go even when I don’t feel like it. Either way, I try to listen to my body and give it what it needs!
Lastly, I will typically just let Levi know that I’m on the struggle bus. He’s way more likely to be sensitive to my actions and reactions than if he feels like I’m being moody out of the blue.
So there are the things I try to do when life gets overwhelming. What do you do when you’re overwhelmed? Share your thoughts and tips with me below!
Soli Deo Gloria,