Yikes! I legit never thought I’d say (or type) those words! For anyone who has followed my journey for any length of time, you probably know about the infamous struggle I’ve been through the past year, and the weight gain that has just been hopeless to reverse (for reals).
I had found food freedom in the past by simply listen to my body’s hunger signals and eating intuitively. Since that had worked so well for me before, I assumed something like macro tracking just weren’t for me. Not to mention I had dabbled in it before and tracking my calories never failed to mess with my head. I figured hey, since it didn’t work for me before after trying a few times, it’s just not my thing. I’d found what did work for me, and that’s really all that mattered! Right? Wrong. Apparently my body took quite a beating last year, and reversing it has been way harder than I’d ever imagined. I’m at a different stage of life now, and my body is in a different place. Intuitive eating isn’t working well for me because my body is constantly sending me mixed signals and is a lot harder to read than it was before! So I’ve decided to once again track my macros. Only this time, I don’t plan on tracking my calories (I can’t be the only one who that messes with, right??) plus, I like the idea of tracking macros. I know my meals could be a lot more balanced than they are right now, and I’m curious to see what my current habits are and how my body reacts to the manipulation.
My biggest goals right now should be (and are) to rehab my body. If I feel tired, for goodness sake’s sleep. If I need a lighter workout, do that. But more than anything, feed my body the nutrients it so desperately needs (now more than ever), and stay away from the things that are (more than likely) sabotaging my progress (for me, that’s gluten, soy, sugar, and dairy).
Of course, I DO plan on enjoying the Holidays!
After the holidays, though, I plan to implement reverse dieting. Basically, increasing macros slightly each week as my body (hopefully) adjusts to the higher calories. I don’t plan to cut out cardio completely simply because I enjoy cardio, and I also think cardio is beneficial for quality of life. But I DO plan on spending a lot more time focusing on heavy lifting which is my passion anyway
Okay those are a lot of plans, but I put that on here partly because I’m SO excited to begin, but also because I know I need accountability! Monday I start the macro-tracking! Wish me luck!