We left for our trip Tuesday afternoon. I said goodbye to my fur-babies (who I hope aren’t developing an inferiority complex because I’ve been gone so much lately). We drove through Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas, and finally on Wednesday got to Colorado to meet up with Candle, Levi’s sister. We walked through Garden of the God’s which made us really want to head straight for Utah and do some climbing (one day soon)!
Thursday we got on the road and drove through Utah which was just absolutely incredible. I could totally move there (we’ve talked about it…). By the time we crossed the border to Wyoming it was snowing, which is about the only cool thing to say about Wyoming. I looked up the population in there, and it’s a little over 500,000 I can’t even. That’s crazy. When we got to Idaho, the sun was setting and levi drove the van off the highway to get some cool pictures of the van.
Friday we drove through Oregon which was so cool with all the rolling hills! I’m already looking forward to going back to Colorado, Utah, and Oregon.
It’s so amazing to wake up before the sun, watch the sun rise every morning, and set every evening, always with different scenery. Watching the sun rise from behind the mountains, turning them pink and purple is a sight hardly capturable by a camera (yea, I just made up that word ).
Washington state though, I’ve never seen anything like it. No picture could possibly capture the scenery of the towering evergreens, the golden leaves of the maple trees, the red bushes popping up every so often, the river skipping over the grey rocks, and the sight of Mountains Hood and Rainier in the background. Maybe I’m more awed because I grew up always seeing the beach, but I’ve never seen such simple beauty in my life. Driving through Washington (specifically Mt. Rainier National Park) is like driving through a dream because only in my dreams have I scene such perfection.
When we (FINALLY) arrived at Mt. Rainier, we pulled up to an empty visitor’s center, and since Levi had been there before, he said we could do this easy hike to see some pretty views, and watch the sunset. So we strapped on our Salomon’s, put on some warmer clothes, and set out for a quick hike. The “quick hike” turned into a full-fledged hike through the icy snow (thankfully Salomon’s are great for unexpected snow, too ). AND as someone who is deathly afraid of heights, the ice, and hiking up a fairly good incline was yea a little scary for me, but I have to say, the views were worth it all. It felt like we could have been in the Alps (not that I’ve ever been to the Alps), but yea, that was gorgeous.
We decided to camp the van near a trail we wanted to do in the morning, which also happened to be near this incredible waterfall. It made for a very cold, but gorgeous, and unforgettable camping experience. The next morning we woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4:30A (which was 7:30 to our bodies), so we had quite a while to wait until we could see anything, not to mention it was freezing cold! We killed time by watching the stars, and eventually went back into the warm van to read our Bible’s and play monopoly deal.
That’s probably been my favorite part of this trip so far When it got light outside, we set out for part of the Wonderland Trail (which was incredible and we’ll definitely be coming back to hike the whole thing before too long!) When we got back, we both did a workout of our own, cleaned up, and ate a simple, peaceful dinner out of the van before taking off for North Cascades National Park.
We got to North Cascades late on Saturday night. Sunday morning we set out for what we thought was going to be a 20 mile hike, but (much to our surprise and delight) turned out to only be 10 miles because half of it was the gravel road that we drove up. Lol. It was a GRUELING hike, though, so we’re both pretty glad it was 10 miles and not 20!
This morning we just did a small hike because we wanted to get back on the road. Now we’re headed to meet up with Levi’s friend, and explore downtown Seattle, including Pike Place (the original Starbucks)!
Thanks for joining us on this trip so far! More to come!!